TimeOut for Mak

Ok I think it’s time for me to take a little timeout from the Random Section and actually do some work…not that any of you care… :bad: anyways if i have somehow pissed you off in anyway these past few months or weeks feel free to smack me with the largest trout you can find this side of the equator =)


PS: Can someone chg my birthday everyday for me? one of the mods maybe?? :stuck_out_tongue:

smacks Makaveli with this fish

Plz! :*(

MAK??? Why do you want to leave… You haven’t upset us…

Everybody makes some mistakes, don’t we all…

Please don’t leave… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

he didn’t say he was leaving… he said he was taking a break from the random section. Get back to work you lazy good for nothing… jk :slight_smile: We all need a break from work and play Mak.

Were have you been? low profile for a while? :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand what malk said, but you have to agree with me, that someone that phunny can´t be good helping people other than making them laught :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: :crazy:

I disagree… but we’ll have to see if he can do both. :slight_smile:

been working on things… learning MX stuff like that.

I was just j/k, I´m sure he can do both better than me :stuck_out_tongue:

good to see ya back :slight_smile: