Lost Time

As some of you may have noticed… I haven’t been on the forums that much recently… Well, due to the circumstances brought upon me… I will only be dabbling here and there in the forums for a while now.

I haven’t been creative lately and I’ve decided to give Flash a little break for a while… I’ve also gotten a “grunt job” to make up for my lost income recently due to no clients.

I’ll also be playing Warcraft III alot as well… I haven’t played a decent game for a long while and I deserve the playing time :slight_smile: I also wanna start mapping for it as well… That’ll let my creative energy implode inside of me.

Thanks for your time… If you’d like to get a hold of me… Please contact me at the following.

WarIII b.net : playamarz

playamarz :player: Yeah… that’s me.

dont leave for ever playa! if you do i want the smilie back ! lol

dont let nothing come between your creativity!

see ya playa


Nah man… I’m not going to leave forever… :slight_smile:

I just need a little break from the norm for a while lol:wink:

playamarz :player: My smilie! :beam:

Hey dude - have a great time, we all need a break now and then. I know you will be back - this place is like crack… you get addicted and thats it… your hooked for life :slight_smile:

Hope you have a ton of fun playing your game and I am sure you will be motivated to create sooner than you think - great developers such as yourself always are.

Good luck on your Hiatus …may it be a short one o’those and you’re ‘back in the saddle’ soon :beam:


get in here right now playa! or… or… i´ll set mak lose on you :bad:

btw, where hte hell is mak? and geek (EG)? i´m feeling so lonely… :frowning:

Good point, where are they?!?