Hi there, first sorry for my bad english.
Here is my the purpose of my post. I’m creating a little scoring, platformer flash game and I’m quite lost in the way to think it globally. I’m quite new in as3 OOP but I want to build my game partially in that way. It’s so more confortable when you want to make some change or just to adjust some part of the gameplay.
I’ve already done a game of that kind (www.stabilove.net), but I wasn’t absolutely not happy with loaders and all that stuff. In fact, all the levels were SWF that were loaded by some loadermax. That gave me a lot of problems, and the game is kind of buggy sometimes. That’s why i’m requesting your help right now !
I think I can handle the mechanisms of basic games, but I don’t want to waste all my work by failing my main structure.
Here is the simple way I want for the interface.
Here it is ! So if you got some advices, tips, or even tutorials in the way to think about all that stuff, i would thank you a lot !