To Kirupa

how much time did you ACTUALLy put into drawing that smiliey on your note?

(the one in my mail)


lol - only a few hours…err seconds =) It felt kind of odd writing to someone who I knew from the forums without signing with a smiley face, so I figured I might as well draw one.

Kirupa :ub:

what smiley face? :stuck_out_tongue:

At end of the contest, I sent eilsoe his footer contest prize with a little note where I wrote something and signed it with my name and drew the unibrow smiley :slight_smile:

Kirupa :ub:

haha awesome… i want my book autographed by kirupa too :stuck_out_tongue:

I want a Kirupa autograph too!!! ;(

Ahmed - I’ll do that; I won’t be able sign in the book (unless I hunt down the delivery person), but I will send you a little around the time the book ships =)

EDIT: Lost, sure. PM me or post your address and I’ll send you a thank you note as well :beam:

awesome :love:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**EDIT: Lost, sure. PM me or post your address and I’ll send you a thank you note as well :beam: **

:!: Really!?!?!?! I’m gonna get a Kirupa Chinnathambi autograph?!?!?! That’s like a dream come true :love:

I think this is going to be the new rage on the K-Forum… PMing Kirupa your address and getting an autograph.

Well you ARE getting pretty famous :ub:

lol thanks :slight_smile:

if anyone wants my autograph, let me know :trout:

Hey kirupa, an idea just struck me. We have a handful of talents right (within us mods)? why don’t we write a book? you already have, so you must have connections. what do ya say :wink:

Does the world need another Flash book? :slight_smile:

Who said it had to be on Flash? “1001 of the Forums Greatest Threads” for example… :stuck_out_tongue:

How about a whole book on the possibly fictional story of Soul stealing kits bra. :wink:

But that’s not fictiona… Er, I mean, right. Yes. Good idea. :slight_smile:


hey kirupa, have you checked the currency balance before sending the checks? :-\

The cheapest copy of Penners book I could find in denmark was kr 474,00. 35$ will get me about 250 kr…

not to be an *** or to complain, but the book is more expensive in dk than the us… :frowning:

wow - have you tried amazon?


I got your card today Kirupa!!! I :love: it!!! The smiley next to your signature is awesome, you gave it a unibrow and a little nose even… hehe.

You have very nice handwriting =)

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *

I got your card today Kirupa!!! I :love: it!!! The smiley next to your signature is awesome, you gave it a unibrow and a little nose even… hehe.

You have very nice handwriting =) **
Get a room you two! :stuck_out_tongue:

A book would be cool, I could do a banning section. . . .
