To LostinBeta

Ur inbox 's full …

What else is new…

when you spam 150 threads a day, your inbox is going to fill up…

why don’t you think Kriupa doesn’t accept PM’s?


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
when you spam 150 threads a day, your inbox is going to fill up…


Since this is a thread to Lost, i’d like to give him a peice of my mind!!

Gets a smal lobatamy, puts the brain peice in a box

and another thing, You’re a better Action Scripter than me so HA!.. wait…
hehe jk =)


MMmmm, spam… you know I love it.

Anywho, I wasn’t on the forum, but I had it opened. I just finished writing a tutorial.

Anywho again… I deleted some junk in my inbox so it shouldnt be full anymore.

The problem is I get a lot of people that post a thread and PM me to go to it… grr, I hate that, but I go to it anyway since I am sure I will spam it up sooner or later.

The ones that really get me are when new members sign up and have 0 posts, but PM me asking me a question. It is a forum, ASK THE FORUM!!! But I am too nice to be mean…grrr, I hate that.

LOL I’m prolly one of the ones Lost gets pissed at cluttering up his inbox. I probably filled half of it. :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL… nope not at all.

I usually refuse to answer them in PM…

I tell them to ask the question in the forum, so others can learn from their questions… about 1/2 of them I never see again…

Most of these lamo’s are 5th grade students trying to do a class project. When they learn that Flash isn’t as easy as click and enter, then they just give up…

Good for them…


Yeah. Too many people thing Flash is a program you don’t have to learn. They think it is like Swish where you can select your object and there is an option to tell it what you want it to do.

Well Swish was created for people who can’t handle the complexity of Flash :beam:

Oye, don’t even get me started on the countless e-mails I get asking Flash questions.

50% of them being “how did you do that effect in your footer?”

40% of them being “how do you constrain the easing on mouse follow to a certain area”

10% of them being random flash questions.

I had a PM recently about TellTargets…

This has been depricated for over 2 years…

Am I the resident “Old Fart” or what?

Then they got upset when I asked why they needed to use TellTarget…



Yeah, tellTarget is way out, but a lot of people ask about it because Kirupas Advanced RollOver tutorial for Flash 5 uses tellTarget.

Hmmm, which makes me think of something…

Kirupa, if you read this, you should update that tutorial to the now standard syntax :slight_smile:

But speaking as someone who was fond of Flash 3…

We were so happy when TellTargets came into use… to be able to control a movie clip from an external swf… was inconceiveable…

Now look at the drawing API…

I am amazed at what Flash has become in a little over 4 years…


Technology is growing too fast to keep up with anymore.


I Haven’t been able to keep up for years…


LOL… true. I just got a computer but 4 or 5 years ago…lol.

My computer is older than that…

[SIZE=1]:: rev feels really ancient… ::[/SIZE]

LOL, wow, that is bad. My comp now is about a year old. Self built, and even when it was built it wasn’t top of the line, but I love it so… it just needs more RAM… :-\

128mb just doesn’t cut it.


I have 512 M RAM, but I only have 450 MHZ…

every single slot is filled up…

I need a new comp…
