I’ve been using this forum for a couple years now, strictly in the Drawing and Design, showcase and critique, etc. etc. and loving it. Now, I’m starting to learn flash and goodness gracious…is it me or is this side of the forum dead?!?
I kept hearing about how this was a flash forum, and yet hours will go by w/ no posts in threads as common as flash mx, or actionscript. not complaining, but I see 33 people viewing this thread and only one member - me, a beginner. what’s with that? I’ve posted 4 quality flash questions in the past couple days and have barely received a hint of advice, except from lunatic once.
anyway, I guess I’m just stressing b/c it’s hard to be patient when you’re excited about learning something new…and you start hitting a bunch of roadblocks. but what’s up people? why aren’t questions being answered, because people just don’t know (highly doubtful), or because the questions are too basic or what? and like I said, not trying to complain, because nobody’s obligated to help me or anyone else out, but you know…just wondering is all.
btw – I see a lot of tutorials having you copy and paste as code into your movies to generate effects, and later just vaguely explaining it. but what about tutorials that actually explain the syntax specifically, what goes where and why – anyone know where I could find something like that?