To OOP, or not to OOP?

I’ve been making websites, ads, and little Flash apps for 4-5 years now, starting with AS 2.0, and 2 years ago finally switching to AS 3.0. But I still code my stuff on the first frame in the Flash IDE. I consider myself as half programmer, half designer, in neither hardcore, but most of the time I get the job done. But I’m beginning to think should I switch to full OOP code writing, or just stay with what I know now. To this day, I’m not sure what is the real advantage of writing an average Flash website in OOP standards. Seems to me like a lot more work is needed then. I certainly see the advantages when one is writing some libraries like TweenMax for example, but I don’t plan to do any things like that, at least in the near future, so the question still stands.

Should I succumb to OOP ? I know that it’s a personal decision mostly, but what is your opinion on this subject, and how do you write your code?