Yeah, it’s Lara Croft back in all her glory.
I am not a fan of the series, let’s get that out there straight away. I loved the first game, and the next was pretty ok, but since then I haven’t paid any attention to them.
However, I saw the demo on steam and thought “What the heck”. I’m so glad I did. So far the game has provided more “Holy **** that is incredible” moments than any other game I’ve played recently. The graphics are incredible, gasp out loud gorgeous in parts. The gameplay is what you would expect from a Tomb Raider title, lot’s of puzzles and platforming “find the route” challenges. However I think this has the best level designs I’ve seen so far in this genre.
Flaws: Yes, the camera is ****. Most of the time it’s fine, but every now and again you end up yelling at the monitor to look the other way! Also the combat is pretty clunky and pretty basic. Run, shoot, and roll out of the way of things sums it up well enough.
Apart from that it’s all rather splendid. The animations are really very good. The graphics engine is a new build for this game and it blows my mind at times. There have even been some very well timed “jump out of your seat and squeal like a girl” moments, which was unexpected.
All in all I would recommend at least giving the demo a shot. I’ve not been this enthralled with a game for quite some time.