secret beta

New beta version of ToolBlast has launched. It is an online Developer Lab with everything a developer needs that uses a simple interface and its going to be amazing!

Check it out!

pffft, and I thought that email to me that disclosed the secret url made me special :crazy:

one word Sweet

so far not impressed.
but we will see when it launches.

some of the threads i saw were like “PSP vs. Photoshop”

Well you’re nothing without at least one of those bad boys! :flower:

Hey Senocular!

Well, not too many read the Kool Sites forum so only a few people will take a peek at whats in store.

The resource will soon be launching as well as many features on the Launch Page for all the members.

The beta has begun! yay!

is that supposed to be the exact same as ?

there are some striking similarities there, aren’t there… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya, lots of similarities and differences there. Color theme is the same but the actual layout itself is written very different. No CSS either.

oh btw Senocular,

Whats with the flamingbarrel? Is he going to be putting his “new” layout up? It looks like his actual site doesnt have much. Like his code area and tutorials isnt very full?

its Ahmed! And we all love him. The flaming barrel thing is just a joke. I get on his case about it and ultimately got the domain to rub it in more :wink: He’s working on a new layout. Once he gets that implemented he’ll get back to working on content. Just a matter of time :wink:

I think it was a poorly done rip, notice the layout is almost identical: the widht of the left is exactly the same, the top bar is very very similar, and also, on subpages of digital web, you get the exact same green arrows image as toolblast’s… :wink: I sent an email off to digital web… it doesn’t matter if the coding is the same, it’s that the finished product looks the same

I see a lot of Kirupas stuff there too, what a shame :jail:.

if you’re gonna rip somebody’s work, might I ask, why would you go publicize it? or did you think nobody here knew about digital-web?

Ahh I’m disappointed…Thought it was a Tool site :wink:

I don’t think any of the items there were ripped from the site. The smileys are by senocular, and and are intertwined somehow…maybe if my memory serves me right, the same way and are :slight_smile:

With regards to the other site bombing posted, there are some similar navigation stuff!

yeah, I didn’t even see smileys that looked similar :wink:

edit: or I guess I just didn’t recognize them

There is nothing wrong with them using the smileys as long as they got permission from sen :slight_smile: All user contributions on this site belong to the contributor, and they are free to submit them to anywhere they want.

Hey, the color theme is nice, tan and light blue. But the layout is purely just copy and paste here… grrr…

I’m not saying it’s a bad site, but the entire layout is almost identical imo :wink: