Total Preloader

Hello Everyone!
I have a long movie in my intro and need a preloader that will load the entire movie before playing. I have one now which preloads it but when I watch it on a slower computer it will skip and slowdown. :cool: Where as other flash movies on other sites once they are loaded just play smothly. I was wondering if anyone could give me a link that will totally preload the movie before playing so my movie will run smoothly.:d: or anything else I can try?
This is what I have done so far, I put my music in to the library, and streamed it. I also have a preloader with this script,
[AS]loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1024);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1024);
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {
gotoAndPlay(“1”, 1);
frame = int(loadedbytes/(totalbytes/100));
But again the preloader is still not loading the movie completely. I have tried to search but I still can’t find one that is good.
Thanks again,
Roxy Gurl

That seems like a perfectly good preloading code, and it will only run as soon as the movie is fully loaded. The skips and slowdowns seem to me as a result of a poor CPU, not lack of loading. I think your movie is just too heavy for that computer to play (you said it was slow, did you mean it’s cpu or its internet?).

The CPU is slow not the internet. Would it help if I did a frames preloader? So it would make sure the total frames are loaded before playing? Thanks again for the reply.
Roxy Gurl

The CPU slowdowns are probably due to your movie being too heavy for the CPU – large MovieClip’s moving, Alpha fades, Shape tweens, all of these can cause your movie to slow and skip.

I’ve had the same problem (I think): I had a move that played perfectly well on its own, which became awfully slow when loaded :-\ I still don’t know how to solve that… :frowning: