Totally Wrong

Lol, I demand the black.

Evil laugh


I probably ought to go buy some more… :stuck_out_tongue:

<b>Runs off to La Senza</b>

Calls airport to schedule next flight to England

Furiously typing to find where the hll is La Senza*

Evil laugh again


La Senza is my favourite lingerie retailer. :beam:

[SIZE=1]Apart from Agent Provocateur, that is. But I kind of resent paying £80 for a bra there… :)[/SIZE]

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**[SIZE=1]Apart from Agent Provocateur, that is. But I kind of resent paying £80 for a bra there… :)[/SIZE] **
ouch! that’d better be some bra! does it have special features or something? :wink:

Like an ice cube maker? :beam:

ye… or… I dunno… a drinks holder or something :slight_smile:

They all have drinks holders, its called cleveage ;):wink:

pfft… only if she happens to be incredibly big “in that department”

Mmmmm boobiez

Sadly no ice cube makers or drinks holders. Just beras. :sure: Nice ones, but rather expensive. :beam:

Are they really huge? You should get more bra for more money :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

They aren’t huge either. :slight_smile:

They’re just very very nice. :beam: And another good reason why I try not to go shopping in London, because if I do I will buy things. :stuck_out_tongue:

What makes them nicer than cheap ones then??

  • Soul :s:

They look nicer, they’re made from silk and satin and stuff, and they’re comfortable. :slight_smile: And they look d@amn sexy as well. :beam:

i can’t imagine spending £80 on something I really neeed… let alone a fancy bra with added cappuccino machine and dishwasher… :stuck_out_tongue:

I can. Mmmm cappuccino…

Holy Englished Batman!

Oh yeah, ooops :-\ How far can one thread go off topic lol! From weapons of mass destruction, to weapons of mass pleasure :P:P

  • Soul :s:

