Bloody bloody

poms!! :stuck_out_tongue:

On the news tonight, 2 people from England called for help after getting lost or something at sea. They were trying to ROW (caps for emphasis, not shouting :)) from Western Australia to an island near Africa! Dips**ts!! So the Australian Navy has gone to get them at the cost of Australian tax payers. I say tell them to row back to England!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, rowing between countries? shakes head some people are so stupid!

I don’t get that… the human brain has enough power to get a man on the moon (sorry, had to use that sentence again :P) and it still manages to be stupid like that… ugh, you humans… :wink:

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**I don’t get that… the human brain has enough power to get a man on the moon **

About the whole space thing? Just reminded me of two very funny facts:

1)The sinclaire ZX spectum had more processing power than the first computer that sent man to the moon.

2)some clever boff realised that biros wouldn’t work in zero gravity, due to the ink needing gravity to flow. Consequently, NASA spent millions developing a new ‘Space pen’ that could work in zero gravity.

…The Russians however simply took a pencil.

Haha pencil :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**2)some clever boff realised that biros wouldn’t work in zero gravity, due to the ink needing gravity to flow. Consequently, NASA spent millions developing a new ‘Space pen’ that could work in zero gravity.

…The Russians however simply took a pencil. **

ROTFL :stuck_out_tongue: That’s the best thing I read this week!!

I gues this story proves that the English are eccentric. :slight_smile:

You needed this thread to point that out to ya Kit?!


maybe shes eccentric?:wink:

That fact has already been established. :slight_smile:

to coin an popular american phrase: we clearly rock :wink:

We do. If in a very weird and strange way sometimes. :slight_smile:

Never! :beam:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**to coin an popular american phrase: we clearly rock :wink: **

Naaaa…Americans would not thow in “clearly”

It would be “we rock”


or ‘rawk’ :wink:

(just had to get teh Englishness in there somewhere)

jolly good show chaps, we do indeed rock!


jolly hockey-sticks! this cad has it down to a fine (indian?) tea! good show!

toddle pip!


eccentric you may be… crap at cricket you may be :stuck_out_tongue: but please make those idiots pay their fare for riding on our big ships makes boat noises TooooooooT ToooooooooT :beam:

I found the story!

ABC News
**Noel-Smith says he has had a frightening but awesome experience.

“Suddenly from nowhere a wave hit us and it smacked me on the deck and I hit the hand rail with my head and smashed that and then just sat there completely flabbergasted by the whole thing,” he said.
flabbergasted. only from an englishman :wink:

oh someone went searching and found it!! nice work but does this mean you thought I was making it up? :stuck_out_tongue: so you decided to check if it was true or not :wink: