Totally Wrong

Read this: US Missiles to have Global Reach
How’s that for some Weapons of Mass Destruction? **** the US military. Is this really necessary? Sure if all the communist countries ganged up on the US it could be used but they’ll probably use this anyway no matter what. This would make it accessible to bomb anyone anywhere… I don’t like the sounds of this. We’re all going to be blown to **** by the US government sooner or later… shakes head I want to move to a different planet :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

a country run by megalomaniacs, just what this world needs :frowning:

someone wanna help me terraform Mars? :slight_smile:

fetches his pitchfork :beam:

I’m with ya asphalt…

Sounds good to me… I like red well enough. =)


we need to get their first :wink:

flaps arms :beam:

Lmao @ Eilsoe’s title.


That’s a good point…

Soul… Er, have you still got my bras? :blush:

Lol, I want one. :blush:


I have indeed :beam:

  • Soul :s:

Yay! :love:

I pick the black one.

Tries one on


You can’t just take them Maxr0sity!!! She gives them out!! And the white ones mine so keep your filthy hands off

  • Soul :s:

Soul has the white one. :beam:

I just said that :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, can I get the black one?


I know, I posted it at the same time you edited your original post. :beam:

You can share my white one if you like :love: You only get it wednesdays though!

  • Soul :s:

I bought a lilac one on Monday, you can have that? :slight_smile: