Do as you wish, I am not going to apologize for protecting my patriotism.
I didnt make any threats… rev is a monster!
got a problem with your eyes man? :crazy:
*Originally posted by Sintax Sinister *
**My cousin Dan is a moderator here, he would back me up on this fight, I don’t fear your threats asphaltcowboy. . . .
Sure my cousin is having serious problems in his life, but he will be back one of these days! **
Dan would not back you up! I know Dan, and he wouldn’t back up someone trying to pick a fight. Asphalt did not call you a name!
Do not try that bs with me!
one more snotty reply and you will be nothing but a stain on the wall…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**show me where he called you a fool, and I will repremand Asphalt… everyone knows I do not show favortism… **
let’s be honest… we all know rev dispises me
*Originally posted by Sintax Sinister *
**Do as you wish, I am not going to apologize for protecting my patriotism. **
show me where you were called a fool, or apologize for calling Asphalt a Lummox…
I don’t know how much more simple I can put it…
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**let’s be honest… we all know rev dispises me**
everyone thinks I despise them… couldn’t be farther from the truth. I actually dislike very few people… even on the forum.
Someone has to play the heavy… I just have less tolerance for this kind of garbage.
You hate me! In fact you hate all the english! In fact Rev, you’re very racist!
- Soul :s:
I will not apologize, but I will consent to be mature enough to leave this fight and avoid asphaltcowboy. Agreed?
I am not picking a fight and I elect not to, I say leave it be and move on.
you don’t think I’m cute?
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**ugh… I’m sorry, I was gonna write a big response to Sintax Sinisters name… but… I just can’t be bothered :-\ [color=red](for the record - you talk absolute tosh :))[/color] **
It is sort of funny, he always told me who he liked on the forum and who he hates, I can’t believe you were one of the people he liked.
pwweeetty colours
yep! i believe your opinion on that matter is nonsense.
nowhere did I call you a fool. :sigh:
He did not call you a name!
he simply said your post was absolute Tosh. You inferred that he called you a name.
apologize now, or reap the reprocussions.
stop trying to win this arguement if you want to become a part of this community…
Fine, I edited my post, good enough?
Lummox no more. . . .
i don’t like rev
(sooh soooh sooh evul)
no, aplologize now!
editing your post just looks like you are trying to hide something…
apologize, and all will be forgotten.
*Originally posted by Sintax Sinister *
**It is sort of funny, he always told me who he liked on the forum and who he hates, I can’t believe you were one of the people he liked. **
I believe the term is ‘friendly banter’.
We all know and respect Dan, he’s shared many conversations with us and it’s give and take all round.
lol sinister… I’m glad you kept the “absolute narcissistic little boy that is engrossed with himself” - I hate for you to think anything else
*Originally posted by s-fx *
**i don’t like rev
(sooh soooh sooh evul) **
life is tough, huh?
what have I ever done to you?
are you trying to agrivate me?
I have nothing against you…
::not winning any new friends here::
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
I believe the term is ‘friendly banter’.
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**life is tough, huh?
what have I ever done to you?
are you trying to agrivate me?
I have nothing against you…
::not winning any new friends here::
Rev **
just wanted to see your reaction hehe.