Totally Wrong

*Originally posted by Sintax Sinister *
…we are not as bad as all of you foreigners try and make us out to be. You obviously have never been able to enjoy America so you have no right to stereotype the US.

I in no way “stereotyped” the US. I am talking about the US military not the people! The US government puts billions of dollars into their military. What good is this for? The protection of their people? Why not actually use their brains and think about maybe getting rid of all weapons?! Then maybe the billions of dollars can be spent on something more productive like helping poor third world coutries improve facilities etc.

Sure maybe my view is “hippieish” but I really am fed up about hearing bad news every single day! :angry: And for all you thread spammers, I want your opinions! So far there have only been a few! :stuck_out_tongue:

we put money into weapons and military for a couple of reasons

  1. its business. Without the military and technology a lot of American workers would be out of jobs and the economy would crack worse than it already is.

  2. There will always be some sh!thead out there that wants to hurt somebody, and if he has weapons, we always want to make sure that we have bigger weapons so he will listen to us.

If you were a bad person and you were trying to hurt people with a gun, would you take orders from someone that was holding a knife? how about if they were driving a tank?

Yeah above points are all understandable. There has to be some way around it though. When was the last time Earth was at peace with everyone? (Never done history)

*Originally posted by TOOL *
**Yeah above points are all understandable. There has to be some way around it though. When was the last time Earth was at peace with everyone? (Never done history) **
Never. . . . .

I know you are in the same house as me Ryan (Sinister), but hi anyways :thumb:

hi people, just logged on to check out the forum of top secr. . . . .i mean check my private messages :wink: