Trace array from dynamic string with the same name


I’m not sure if this is at all possible, but I’ve been trying this for hours with no prevale. I can only presume I’m over complicating things.

I’ve generated a awkward looking string using variables, and arrays:

var someVar:string = "hello";
var myArray:Array = new Array("test0", "test1", "test2");

var myString:string = someVar+"World_"+myArray[2]);

So with that, the output of “myString”, would read: helloWorld_test2

Thats all great, but I need to use that myString to call/trace a separate Array with the same name:

var helloWorld_test2:Array = new Array("option0", "option1", "option2");
trace (myString);

At the moment, when I trace myString… I will only get the actual string. Instead I need to convert that string to something that will allow me to call/trace the array and all it’s values.

Even if I did manage to convert the string, will there just be conflictions?

