Trading Bot using React.js

Has anyone thought about using React to build a trading bot?

React is primarily for the front-end, and it can totally be used for creating the UI of your bot. A trading bot has a lot of behind the scenes server logic, and for that you may have to look beyond React to implement :grinning:

This is what someone else mentioned to me, they suggested using python for building the algorithms. The same person built a ‘trading bot’ for me using react and this is how I first came about react. After a good long 5 months (and a very long wait trying to added additional functionality) I decided to look into react and see if I can make heads or tails of the source code and to see if I can start developing myself.

This is the bot so far to date version 0.0.15:

Does anyone have an understanding of Binance API futures endpoints?

Do you have a link to their API documentation? I did a quick search but wasn’t able to find anything detailed.

Hello Kirupa,

This is the link to the API endpoints for futures trading:

They are in some way very similar to the spot trading API endpoints:

Redirecting to :slight_smile: