Has anyone thought about using React to build a trading bot?
React is primarily for the front-end, and it can totally be used for creating the UI of your bot. A trading bot has a lot of behind the scenes server logic, and for that you may have to look beyond React to implement
This is what someone else mentioned to me, they suggested using python for building the algorithms. The same person built a ‘trading bot’ for me using react and this is how I first came about react. After a good long 5 months (and a very long wait trying to added additional functionality) I decided to look into react and see if I can make heads or tails of the source code and to see if I can start developing myself.
This is the bot so far to date version 0.0.15:
Does anyone have an understanding of Binance API futures endpoints?
Do you have a link to their API documentation? I did a quick search but wasn’t able to find anything detailed.
Hello Kirupa,
This is the link to the API endpoints for futures trading:
They are in some way very similar to the spot trading API endpoints:
Redirecting to https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs