Transform createEmptyMovieClip() in AS3

Hello guys!

I have the following AS2 code: (which I’m trying to transform in AS3)

public function createGrassBlade(mc)
var grass = [];
var grassinst = grass.length;
var thegrass = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(“grass” + grassinst, grassinst);

//mc is an empty movie clip placed on the stage with coordinates x = 0 and y = 800

Now, this is my AS3 course code:

public function createGrassBlade(mc)
var grass:Array = [];
var grassinst = grass.length;
var thegrass:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); = “grass” + grassinst;

Please, tell me where I wrong. My objects (witch are many grass objects, drawing with other function) are appearing on the stage but with the wrong coordinates and I can see only the bottom part of them.
I change ‘mc’ movie clip coordinates to change grass objects position (and this always works in AS2), but nothing happens in AS3.

best regards and thanks in advance,