I have been going through the ‘Transitions Between External’ .swf’s tutorial here at kirupa. ( http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/transitions.htm ) I can get it to load one of my external swf’s and all the guts work such as the stop in the middle of the movie and the outro transition but when I click another link to load the next movie it just reloads the first one I started with. Here are my .fla’s http://www.nucklewebdesign.com/dloads/ or you can just look at the project on my site http://www.nucklewebdesign.com/moving . You will not be able to see the embedded font if you don’t have Flash Player 8 so if you don’t the enter button is beside the spinning key. The only buttons that work are the ‘About Us’ and ‘Season’.