
ok i wanted everyones opinion on the best way to do transitions. say if you have a main page and when the buttons on the navigation are clicked say the main pages content like shinks into a square then scales to full size and shows whatever movie that button is linked to.?

ok i found this thread

the code that was used for one of the buttons was
on (release){
_root.CurrentColor = “Blue” = _root.OpenColor+“BoxOut”

ok so if i made a movie clip that was the transitions were is was a square tweening from big to small then big again what woud i put for the CurrentColor and the OpenColor? i am not really understanding this part.

well have you done all your preplanning? What exactly is required of this box? Will its actions reflect the content of the section? If not, that makes things easier. For example… I did a simple website for a dig art class a year or two ago and its transitions were completely independant of the content…
the closing and opening is the same animation no matter what section you are in. This makes it incredibly easy to have the same animation reused for each section. All it requires is a movieclip with that transition to be on the screen to be played whenever the actual content needs to be changed. The clip closes in (in the example) the content underneath changes and the transition opens up again revealing the new content. And this is consistent for every section (well theres only 3 but still).

If the transition is dependant of the content then it would require individual attention for each transition at which point you would just use gotoAndPlays to navigate to the right transition sequence - which is what Im assuming the code you posted is doing. That button just sets some variables to make the gotoAndPlay go to the right frame label for the desired transition… right?

well he is kinda a visual of what i want to do

have the content in the 1st square, when you click a link the sqaure shinks and reopens with the new content in it. hope this explains what im trying to do.

man im still lost , can anyone give me an fla or point me to a tutorial on how to do this?