Transparancy on gifs?

Hello people I am a designer that has just got into web designing and need someone to help me!

I started designing and finished a website of my own and used jpgs as images on the webpage but I found it that it was too large cos of the jpgs i used, I today found out that using gifs is better as a gif is transparent and you can work better with them on webpages.

so… today I tried re-designing the webpage I had already done with gifs but the problem I had was that the gifs are not as good quality as the jpgs (they are seen on my webpage but on the outskirts of the image you can see little white pixels). Jpgs are more crisp and sharper.

Im I saving the gifs wrong? (btw Im using dreamweaver) I use freehand to design my layout and then export each image seperatly as an eps then open the eps in photoshop and save the image for web as a gif… is there any settings that make my gifs more sharper and crispier?

I know its a stupid question and most of you experienced web designers might roll over the floor laughing at my question but it would help me alot if someone can tell me what to do!

thanx in advance

you can see how heavy was the site i am trying to re-design

it would be so easier if all my images where gifs so i could get transparancy!!!

please help!

Don’t worry, we have some expert Graphic artists here. Just give it time…

Instead of using FH, try using Fireworks. It is made for the web.

Otherwise, you need to have a grasp of the differences of lossy, and lossless compression.

gif: lossless compression (uses max of 256 colors, and does not degrade picture quality when fewer colors are used) transparency is available.

jpeg: lossy compression (uses millions of colors, and removes part of the image to make the file size smaller, hence the artifacts in over compressed jpegs)
transparency is not available.

Therefore, depending on what you want to display (a photo will generally not look good in 256 colors, but a logo will), determines what type of compression to use.

I hope this helped, and not confused,


If you use a special effect like smoke, fire, or anything choppy then PS will have a problem rendering a perfect transparent background. Try to keep things simple and smaller, that web page just went slower than ever, I almost forgot that people came to sites to view content. No comment on the bright green, I will let lostinbeta cover that one. Don’t get me wrong, the graphics aren’t bad, it is just that most people that come to a site like that are wanting content more than graphics.

oh and another thing… (sorry about all these posts)

does anyone know how to add a scroll bar on just one area on the page (in dreamweaver)?

a good example would be: after you enter the page!

thanx again!

Use an iframe, there should be instructions on that in the Dreamweaver reference area in the program!

reverendflash + dan4885,

thanx for helping but as you said photos are not that good as gifs but my problem is that even vector graphics are not that good as gifs either!

say i made a button as a gif with rounded corners and the gif was not that good quality, it had little pixelised squares at the edges!

i will try to upload an example! have a look!

it seems that the gif i uploaded looks alright i think it because its on a white background

It looks fine to me, I use .gifs all the time and they work out great for me!

my advice is to d/l the trial version of Fireworks MX

it has a preview window that allows you to see what it will look like before you export it…

You can also do all of your vector work in FW as well as your raster work…


Either that or Photoshop, you can also view the image that is about to be saved compared to the original (4-port view).

must be a new feature…

to be honest, I haven’t paid much attention to PS, since PS5…

I make all of my income with FW and Flash…


My business pays for all my programs. I have both Fireworks MX and Photoshop 7. In my point of view I don’t even need to keep Fireworks installed, I can do everything I need and more in Photoshop. But that is just one designers opinion. You are of course older than me so you should have more experience in the subject of matter…

it all depends on what you like…

When I started doing this work, you would need to have AI, PS, and ImageReady, just to do the job…

At that time, it was about a $1k investment, retail.

I chose FW, because I loved Flash, but more realistically, because I could buy it retail for $169…

If you learn PS, it can do a bunch of stuff that would be difficult at best with FW…

At this time, PS and FW are similarly priced, and PS has really upgraded it’s web abilities, so I would have a tough time choosing between the 2…

I do like the fact that you can still try out MM prods…


I have the corporate MX Studio package. And the Adobe package too! :cowboy:

Lucky U…

I’m still using AI8, and PS6… if I were to install them…


Roger that PS6 :-\

Ok so now ive woken up its a different day… hopefuly the gifs will work better (fingers crossed)

about iframe… i downloaded the extension found on the dreamweaver website it lets me install it and use it but I cant see it until i go to preview in internet explorer and I dont know how to add text to it either as I cannot see it on my document! anyone else have a better solution??

As for the gifs is there a better way of saving them using photoshop? so I can get better quality? Im using photoshop 5.5 (I go to save for web) is there any preferences there that can make the gif better??

please help! :frowning: