Transparency = 0

Hi guys,

I’ve been looking to find a tute on how to make transparent background in a movie clip, and so far was able to locate only info on how to achieve this effect in the HTML environment. Is it possible to achieve the same thing in a projector?

I have several clips in my movie. The opening clip is basically a message box that warns you to quit all applications before you proceed. I want this clip to have a transparent background, and I want other clips to keep their original backgrounds. How do I do this?

Thanks in advance.

I dont reallt understand your question, you can set the alpha by going [AS]MCName1._alpha = 10;[/AS] or something, could you explain some more?

When you install a piece of software you often times see a warning saying that you should quit all programs before you can install it. My message box looks the same. I either have to resize the clip so that its dimensions equal the message box dimensions or make the background transparent so that there is no color stripes around it.

Im having a blonde moment (No offence if anyone is blonde) I still dont get it. Did you get anything from the AS i posted?

of course I did what I needed from the script you posted! you asked to explain more, that’s why I added my last post. miscommunication.

Sorry, Right now I understand as long as you got what you needed.