Transparency within movie

I know how to make a movie transparent through HTML means as described in Kirupa’s tut here, but how does one make transparent the background of a movie clip that will be loaded into another movie?

To make it clearer, I have two movies; movie two will load into movie 1.
I’m looking for info on how to set the alpha on movie 2 so that movie 1’s background will be seen (somewhat). I’d like to have some text with a scrollbar (call it movie 2) load into movie one so that you can still see some of movie 1 in the background.
I’m afraid if I simply make a movie and load it in it will show up as a giant block with the canvas colour as its background. I’d like to make that background with a limited alpha.

I haven’t seen anything in the tuts that covers this one so any help would be appreciated! :book:


why don’t you try ?
if you load your movie 2 on top of movie 1 it should be transparent.

why don’t you try ?

lol. Dude, give me some credit.

here’s a simple example - hope that is what you meant