Transparency question

Hello All.

I am trying to make the stage background color transparent.

I am working with breeze, and I want to import a .swf into the powerpoint. However, I don’t want to interrupt the powerpoints slide design.

Therefore, I would like to make the .swf’s background transparent.

Is there a script for setting the stage background alpha to 0? Any other solutions?

Any ideas?

Please let me know.

Thank you.



Go to your publish settings and select HTML as an output type. Under the HTML select the window mode Dropdown – > transparent windowless. This will publish your SWF with a transparent BG. If you want the code, crack the HTML and check out the <PARAM> tags in the embeded file for the window mode param. Something else worth checking out is your actionscript dropdown under Objects > Movie > Stage there;s some interesting properties in there too.

hope that helps you along :hat:

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