Transparent Background

I got my movie done;

how do I (if possible) make the background transparent (its just solid black background, with some buttons)

here’s the link to the tutorial

I read the tut and now I have to ask the question. What would you use this for??

I first thought it would be cool to have it appear over some html page but then I read that even though it’s transparent, you wouldn’t be able to see text or images under it.

So, just outa curiosity what would you use it for??

i think if you put it in a table cell it’ll take on the background of the cell… i’m pretty sure that’s what you can do w/ it, but dont quote me on that ;p

Thanx but…
See that means nothing to me? What will that achieve?? :crazy:

If I do it to my footers then they would always have the right color background. They would blend in better??

i guess it’d just let ya have kewler/ more consistent backgrounds that match the rest of the page better…that’s all i can really think of right now lmao…