Transparent shadow?

how do you do it? If I save the picture as a png-24 with transparency, it shows the transparent as white, and if I make a gif I only get dots! It doesn’t work at all :frowning:

the first attachment is the png, the second is the gif, and the third is the gif selected…

What software are you using? Photoshop? Gimp? Fireworks?

photoshop… Can you even make transparent pictures with the other ones?

I haven’t tried transparent gifs in PS, if I need one I open up Fireworks and create it there.

It is just easier for me because I know how to do it in Fireworks. I guess I should look into doing it in PS.

I look forward to someone posting the answer so I can learn.

Use Layer Styles and make sure your background is transparent.

yeah all i can suggest is that you make sure the background layer isn’t there… as it’ll give everything a white background.

i know it works, as i’ve been doing it a lot in the last week :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah keeping background is comman mistake (at least for me :p) while exporting to .png

I don’t have a background layer…

It looks ok when I export it too! As the attachment shows… :wasted:

Does the White show up in Photoshop, or are you seeing it in IE (which doesn’t to support transparent png’s).

I’m seeing it in IE… It works in Firefox… Thanks! Now I know there’s nothing wrong with my PS :slight_smile: But can’t I make it work in IE or IE based browsers?

Maybe in Vister, or whatever they’re calling the next windows…

Actually if you google it, there are a couple home-made fixes for this, (like this random link: – but I think they’re all too much trouble.)

It’s Vista. :slight_smile:

That’s how I pronounce all the Winders stuff!