Hello All,
Rundown … One scene and all AS code resides within the ‘actions’ layer on the ‘main’ timeline. I’ve encountered several issues but I have no option but to deal with one at a time.
At this point I’m simply trying to access one button … that for the life of me cannot figure out why I can’t.
instance name: [COLOR=blue]cont_back_mc[/COLOR]
inside movie clip: [COLOR=red]cont_mc[/COLOR]
target paths I’m using:
[COLOR=red]cont_mc[/COLOR].[COLOR=blue]cont_back_mc[/COLOR].onRelease = function (){[INDENT][COLOR=red]cont_mc[/COLOR].gotoAndPlay(“_off”);[/INDENT]
[COLOR=#ff0000]cont_mc[/COLOR].[COLOR=blue]cont_back_mc[/COLOR].onRollOver = function (){[INDENT][COLOR=#ff0000]cont_mc[/COLOR].[COLOR=blue]cont_back_mc[/COLOR]gotoAndStop(“_over”);[/INDENT]
[COLOR=#ff0000]cont_mc[/COLOR].[COLOR=blue]cont_back_mc[/COLOR].onRollOut = function (){[INDENT][COLOR=#ff0000]cont_mc[/COLOR].[COLOR=blue]cont_back_mc[/COLOR].gotoAndStop(1);[/INDENT]
I haven’t a clue as to why the button will not … could anyone lend a hand?
I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.