I want to learn php, so I looked up some online tutorials which have all said in vague terms that I need to download php and get a home server running before I can proceed and test any php I write. So I look up installing a home server, read that “Apache” is a great app for this, so I go to their website, which directs me to a few mirrors, all of which have a bunch of random files listed. Not being able to figure out why downloading a simple program is such a pain in the ***, I search “starting home server for a beginner” and end up reading about this program WAMP which supposedly makes the process really easy. I download wamp, and when i try to do anything i get these “Cannot load mysqli extension. Please check your PHP configuration” errors.
To get to the point- am I just a f*cking moron or is it just that much of a pain in the *** to get a home server set up to be able to test your own PHP? Is there any simpler way to go about this? Every “beginer” tutorial I’ve read so far spends less than a sentence discussing setting up a home server as if it’s the easiest thing in the world, and I’m starting to feel like a complete dunce!
EDIT: allright, i finally figured it out, and i am a complete moron if anyone happens to find this thread and is having a similar problem- after getting WAMP up and running, all i had to do was move my php files to the www folder in my wamp folder, and then open “http://localhost/insertphpfilenamehere.php” in my browser and it works fine