Okay i have been trying to install php on the webserver at my office for a few days now. It’s a sun webserver on windows 2003. I am doing the manual cgi install of php 4. I went through all the instructions. I know php is installed because i can run scripts from the command prompt. When I try to run a script through the browser I get a 404 page not found error. When I look at the error logs on the server I see that for some reason a “home/” is getting attached to the url. Ill put in http://page.com/script.php but on the server error messages it says it was looking for http://page.com/home/script.php. Does anyone have a clue whats going on here? I cant find anything in the sun admin panel. Ive looked in all config files for some sort of setting that might do this. Any help would be great.
SR :diss: