Trouble with _root? please help

I’m a super novice with Action script and I need help.

This what i am trying (and failing) to do.

I have a base movie let’s call it “base” this is always displayed and I am loading movies into a blank movie I have created, this part works.

Where I am running into problems is I want to control which movie is playing with a variable let’s call this “Movie_Num” I want to be able to edit the number of the variable in the other movies, this is where I have problems, I am horrible with this. Here’s my basic code (I know its archaic)

In a keyframe on the timeline In “BASE” I have this-

if (_root.Movie == 0) {

if (_root.Movie == 1) {

if (_root.Movie == 2) {

I want the Base file to load the second movie at the end of the first one so in the “Movie_0.swf” I try to change Movie_Num to 1 by adding this to the last frame of the movie -

_root.Movie = 1

That’s all- Please please pleas help
