Trouble with Drawing API

Oh, shut up man whore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or should I say, slimey worm whore? :o

:q: Wow! Lots of things happened since last time :-\

We are just playing around pom, wanna join in our spoilage?

Yeah I know…

yells for Ilyaslam to duck down

Oh geez man… Thta was close… Flying trouts and salmon all over the place… :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**yes, I draw from point 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 in a row, that’s easy enough…

but next frame it’ll be 10-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

see? It’ll draw a line from point 9 to 10 across the whole thing!!

And it’ll keep doing it every frame!! with the other numbers, as soon as they move in the front of the row again…

I need to make it understand to NOt do it… **

any ideas?

Darn, I got here too late for the spam, now you’re talking serious again…

schwacks people

Sounds lieke you are either making a polygon… or do you want the line to go… Start at 1 then stretch to 2… Then retract and stretch to 3… like a worm?

Which way… if you are making a polygon… wait til later tonight… I’m busy making a small polygon engine right now :slight_smile:


What do you mean you draw from point 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 ? can’t you just draw to the mouse position?

pom :q:

Is Eilsoe talking about the line.clear() option or something like that?


No see, because he duplicates his clip 10 times, and after that, the first clip is removed and another clip is added.

But for the line code, once he reaches the first 10 the line gets wacky after that…

I think that is what is going on here.

What line code exactly?

Not sure. I asked him to post a .fla of it but he said he scrapped it because he wanted to start from scratch.

So technically, no line code now.

oki oki, I’ll add the line code again, the one that screwed me…

gonna be a few hours tho, gotta do a lot of stuff first…