Hey all, AS3 newb here.
I am (trying) to build a Banner for my companies website in AS3. I am currently using CS5 with the Greensock TweenLite package.
I want product images to slide in from the right of the screen, pause for 5 seconds, and then reverse() out of view.
The 11 different product images are assigned to variables a - j .
I also have an independent timer function that I would like to fire 5 seconds after the image has been on screen.
My problem is that I cant get the Timer to work independently with each function without writing a function for each variable (which pretty much defies the point of functions and variables…amirite?)
Does anyone know the best way to have Flash cycle through each image 1 at a time?
a.reverse() works…but is there anyway to say, like…currentMc.reverse instead?
I’ve been told a “Loop” may be necessary.
Thanks in Advance!