Trouble with targeting

Okay, I am not a newbie at all, but I am lost. I used to use calls and telltargets in previous versions, but this new MX stuff has me boggled at times. I structured this movie in scenes, it was before I learned how to use pure scripting and no scenes. In this instance, here is what I need to accomplish:

I have 2 scenes.
In sceneOne, there is mcSceneOne which has buttonSceneOne in it.
In sceneTwo, there is mcSceneTwo which has buttonSceneTwo.
Lets pretend that the above clips are also the instance names and the scenes are also named like the above.
I need buttonSceneTwo to initiate the following action when clicked:
-the playhead goes to the third frame (labeled"help") in sceneOne and I need the mcSceneOne to goto frame 5.

A little confusing to understand. I have tried using _root, etc. I cannot get it to work. What am I doing wrong? I had no problem targeting in prev versions, but have been out of the game for a while. Please help!
nat :thanks:

Give the frames in the scenes frame labels (right click on the frame and open the properties panel), then target the frame label.

Flash is idiotic when it comes to scenes, but this has been a proven effective method of working cross scenes.

As usual, I don’t really recommend using scenes, but that’s just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

In my real example, I did use labels I believe, I will check into it. What would the correct path be, assuming my example in my original post? I could build a dummy movie if it will help (mine is too large).

Well I never use _root (because if the movie ever gets loaded into another movie via loadMovie() it won’t work) so try _parent.gotoAndPlay(“frameLabel”) if the button is just inside a movie clip symbol.

Thanks, i will try that. If it won’t work, I will mock something up so we can look at it and figure it out.

Alrighty :slight_smile:

For now, I gotta go, I will be back later though.