Trying to code Snake Game

Im mew to javascript and am trying to make a snake game. I have everything minus the loosing part.
Heres my code:

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var gs = 20;
var xpos = 9 * gs;
var ypos = 9 * gs;
var xvelo = 0;
var yvelo = 0;
var appleX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)* gs;
var appleY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)* gs;
var tail = [{x:0, y:0}, {x:20 * gs, y:20 * gs}, {x:20 * gs, y:20 * gs}, {x:20 * gs, y:20 * gs}, {x:20 * gs, y:20 * gs}, {x:20 * gs, y:20 * gs}];

document.addEventListener("keydown", keyPressed);

function keyPressed(){
	if (event.keyCode == 37) {
		xvelo = -1 * gs;
		yvelo = 0;

	if (event.keyCode == 38) {
		xvelo = 0;
		yvelo = -1 * gs;

	if (event.keyCode == 39) {
		xvelo = 1 * gs;
		yvelo = 0;

	if (event.keyCode == 40) {
		xvelo = 0;
		yvelo = 1 * gs;

function fillBackground(){
	ctx.fillStyle = "black";
	ctx.rect(0, 0, 20 * gs, 20 * gs);

function makeApple(applex, appley){
	ctx.fillStyle = "red";
	ctx.rect(applex, appley, 1 * gs, 1 * gs);

function makeSnake(xpos, ypos){
	ctx.fillStyle = "white";
	ctx.rect(xpos, ypos, 1 * gs, 1 * gs);


setInterval(gameInterval, 1000/5);

function gameInterval(){
	xpos += xvelo;
	ypos += yvelo;
	makeApple(appleX, appleY);
	makeSnake(xpos, ypos);
	tail.push({x:xpos, y:ypos})
	for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
		makeSnake(tail[i].x, tail[i].y);

	if (xpos == appleX && ypos == appleY) {
		appleX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)* gs;
		appleY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)* gs;
		tail.unshift({x:20 * gs, y:20 * gs});
	if (xpos <= -1 && xvelo == -1 * gs) {
		xpos = 20 * gs;
	if (xpos >= 21 * gs && xvelo == 1 * gs) {
		xpos = -1 * gs;
	if (ypos <= -1 && yvelo == -1 * gs) {
		ypos = 20 *gs;
	if (ypos >= 21 * gs && yvelo == 1 * gs) {
		ypos = -1 * gs;

The snake should reset whenever it touches part of itself, meaning any value in the tail array, I just don"t know how to make that happen when you have a array that can be infinity long. Anybody know how.

also this is plain javascript with no extra stuff at all. the only other piece of code os some html so i can run it in chrome

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Well the tail won’t be infinitely long. The board is only so big and if any pieces are overlapping, the game would have reset. So at most you can only have as many tail pieces as there are tiles in the board.

What you want to look out for is the part of the tail (err, the head) that changes with each new iteration of the game loop. This is what you want to check against existing parts of the tail to see if there’s a collision. If so, reset.

For you, this is xpos and ypos. You want to go through all of the pieces of the tail, before you push these new values on, but also after you shift off the end (reverse order of how its being done now) to see if the match any of the existing x and y values. If they do (both equal), then there’s a collision and you need to reset its the full game and you use aroow keys to control

It works!

You should set up github pages for your repo so you can play it right from github. You can do this in your settings under Github Pages

That will give you a link that you can add to your main repo page allowing others to run it in the browser without having to do any git stuff to get it and run it themselves.

Done!! Thanks for the suggestion. Probably gonna make the site betteer with css and stuff later. link is