Why is my snake not increasing after eating food?

Here’s the full code.

snakeArr.unshift({ x: snakeArr[0].x + inputDir.x, y: snakeArr[0].y + inputDir.y })

This is the code to increase the size of snake once it collides with food.

The code above it is working.


Similarly, the code below it is working

//change food location

let a = 2; b = 16;
food = { x: Math.round(a + (b - a) * Math.random()), y: Math.round(a + (b - a) * Math.random()) }

What went wrong? Please help me fix the issue. There are no errors in console.

This issue has been fixed, I forgot to add CSS class to snake.

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Are you building this game yourself or following a tutorial? You are making great progress! :tada:

following tutorial…:frowning:

I have creating a snake game on my list of tutorials to work on, and you may be nudging me to bump that closer to the top haha.

I love to play snake game. Do you want to upload it on playstore?

Did you want to make a snake game?..