What I want to do is to find info on how to remove the small bits that form the browser windows.
I want to shut off the scroll bar, address bar, status bar, what ever I want.
I think its refered to as removing chrome. and I think its done with a css file.
Can anyone point me to a place that may have the info I need.
Hello Adrien,
This is not accomplished with CSS, it is accomplished with Javascript. You need to use the window.open() method to open whatever page you want and turn all of the options off. Here is the typical syntax:
window.open("*URL*", "*WindowName*" *[,"Comma-separated Options"]*);
the options are intuitively named: scrollbars, toolbar, status, menubar, location, fullscreen, width, height, left, top, resizable, titlebar. Here is an image with some explanation:

Let’s have an example:
window.open("mainpage.html", "Main", "width=500,height=500,left=0,top=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0");
To set an attribute to appear use 1,true, or yes, to remove an attribute, set it to 0, false, or no.