
how far can you get? I can get to level 5.

I’m at level 5. Level 3 is very well made. I broke it by looking in weird places, but the answer was right in front of me.

I don’t think I’ll get past level 5. I’m not a big fan of running strange programs downloaded from strange sites. Not that I think they have a virus in it or anything, but there might be in the tools I have to download to break it…


I can get to “not level 4”

thats ok, I know where I can go to “find out”.

something similar, existing for quite some time with some very clever tricks inside :wink:
(I made it till level 14 there)
this page is a rip (at least the first 2 levels I have seen so far)

[edit] ok, maybe with some changes
[edit2] wow, not easy at all. I stopped at level4.
I lack the Java skills and time to continue now

I got to level 3 so if you dont mind me asking how do you do it ?

I’m on level 10 of McGiver’s. Taking a break to get back to work.

There’s really no magic stuff going on on level 3. There’s a small thing that’s not as it should be in the html file on level 3.

I’ll admit it’s hard to find, but you should find it yourself.

If you give up, send me an email and I’ll tell you what it is.


@Flash fool :just read it through it and think about what doesn’t fit
@Coppertop: 10 is a really funny one. kept me going for a while

I know lvl 3 of mcGivers’ has something to do with this line


however I do not know what letters 65,66, and 67 represent so I cannot move on.

Hold down Alt and press 65 on the num pad.

I don’t have a number pad, I’m on a laptop.

it is ABC

lap tops have number pads too, you just have to put on numlock and there should be some buttons with numbers on them, and you would just use that.

65-A 66-B 67-C as flash Foo said

bah, well i donno. I am not hacker/cracker.

I’m stuck at level 15 on McGiver’s. Has anyone managed that one?


*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

I am surprised everytime I look under your avatar and still see the caption I made like 3 months ago; I laugh every time I see it;

You kind of wear that like a Red Badge of Courage;

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

More like a scarlette letter. :stuck_out_tongue:

have does anyone know of a good visual basic 3.0 decoder that I can use on lvl 5? I can’t seem to find one

ouch, I finally got to four and then cheated. :stuck_out_tongue: Screw the rest of it.

Just wanted to tell you that I just broke level 7 on try2hack… :slight_smile:
Gotta love wget on Linux.

Level 8 looks hard… It’s just a user-id and password textfield and the validation is done server-side…

ouch, well…good luck, and let us know how you do.