

very cool site, it’s a kind of a game, there are a certain amount of levels witch you have to hack (or use tools to get the pswd), once you get the pass/username you go to the next level, I’m at level three.

Try it out and tell me how far you can come!

Just press the start button on the right side.

Why does level 1 ask for a password, I can’t even hack good enough to start on level 1 lol

I can’t do it:(

i got it, i got it into front page, and i viewed source :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

nevermind, i used the source, i thought it was a different type of game lol

I guess you guys are going to be stuck at number 2 for a while :slight_smile:

I got stuck at level 3 too…

thats a pretty cool idea

ya nr 1,2 are pretty logic, just can’t seem to figure out what i should do at nr 3…

how can you get by 2.

I can’t do 2… :frowning:
I figured out the password, but not the user

28, the password isn’t in the source… it’s just there to get you stuck.


well thats obnoxious

i used an swf decompiler

doh ahmed… shh!!!

i new that that would work, but i just need to know the pass word and user name…

hint hint

txtUsername == “try2hack” && txtPassword == “irtehh4x0r!”

im stupuid… i only got level1…

Level 3 is a ******, I thought I had it for a second, but it was a fake page saying it wasn’t that easy!

dan wehre did you find that?

level three is so hard!