Hi !
Ive hanging around in the forums for quite awhile, and learned to make flash with the tutorials provided in this site about 3 months ago =D
I have some questions concerning databases and multiplaying. Lets says I want to make is like a chess game (but Its not =D), I want to know how this system would work:
Im setting up a room for a match. I set gameroom # and pw. Lets say player1 got the whites, thus would have first turn. Player1 goes to the flash game, and is prompted to input gameroom # and pw. Upon confirmation, he is taken to the chess board to make his move. After moving his piece, he can leave. Player2, some time later, figure that the match has begun, so he heads to the flashgame input room # and pw, and is taken to chess board to make his move too…and so on until game ends.
My question is how could a database handle this: Multiple room # and pw so more than one match could be handled, memory of what the opponent did last turn. Im not too familiar with it, but Ive already read about mySQL and some Microsoft Access issues but found no real tutorial cover multiplaying like this…O, and avoid issues about how to code chess rules…
Thx in advance !