Turning it around: Reasons to vote FOR Bush?

Even if Gore was President during 9/11, he too would have gone after Afghanistan. I don’t think any President would not have done anything after 9/11. Yeldarb does make a point about the inaction of Gore/Clinton.

Even after the USS Cole and various Embassy bombings, the Clinton adminstration did not make Bin Laden a top priority. Nobody really did, because - even before 9/11 - ballistic missiles from N. Korea or China that could hit the US were the bigger threats than some country nobody had heard of…Afghanistan.

drunken canadian stumbles in
Bush is a bozo! I can’t believe that more people don’t see this. Bush can hardly put together a sentence, little own run a country.

I’m also part of the “Not going their gang.”

I think Lepiano made an excellent point. The world hates the United States. Most of my Canadian friends will say straight up that they’re embarassed to be associated with our southern neighbors and insulted when mistaken for being american.

I’ll leave you with some quotes from my good friend Tina.

< tina turner voice >
Whaaaaaat’s Iraaaaq Got-ta-dooooo, Got-ta-dooo-with-it? Whaaaaaaaat’s Buuuoooouush, he’s a simple minded moooorrrrrroooon?
< / tina turner voice >

100% agree with you, thats the most realistic and level headed statment I’ve ever heard.

Okay on welfare and gov handouts:
Today my freind, and I agree, made the most politicaly incorrect but a very true statment on that.
Welfare, all it is, is hush money! We don’t want poor people rioting and trying to convert us to communism, so we give them money so they shut up! Its that simple, would you rather have theft and crime, or just give them some money so they be quiet. Realisticly speaking thats what Social Security was, in the 1920’s there was 4million registered communist, and with the depression it grew. So what did we do? we gave them money so they shut up! Boom, we are still a democracy!

Hush money! thats it!

Comments about the tax thing: I know it may not be a perfect system. But if someone is making minimum wage (Which is MORE than $5 an hour) they should not be living on their own. Go move in with mom and dad or something.

Second, I vote for Bush because all Kerry talks about is himself in 'Nam and his purple hearts. Personally, most of the people under 30 (and some older) could care less about what he did in 'Nam, considering most people think that was the worst war ever waged by the Americans. Bush has been president through something pertinent to our day and age, and don’t give a **** (sorry) about what Kerry has done in the past.

i heard that kerry was going to bring back the draft and draft men AND WOMEN… just what i heard

id become canadian so fast…

oh, and never listen to a drunk canadian! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Comments about the tax thing: I know it may not be a perfect system. But if someone is making minimum wage (Which is MORE than $5 an hour) they should not be living on their own. Go move in with mom and dad or something.

yup, more than $5 an hour. But the example was still extreme, since nobody works 25 days a months, 10h a day… And not everyone on minimum wage is young enough to hang out with mom and dad (or something…). You think that only 18 year-old yuppy kids from the uptown subs are being payed minimum wage? You have to be kidding, right?
[ooc]Minimum wage is how the bosses tell you that they’d pay you less if they could, but it’s illegal…[/ooc]

As for the worst war waged by the Americans, mmmh, I’d say Iraq is getting quite close to being a really nasty war…

The fact that Bush was president when 9/11 occured doesn’t mean anything, imo. It could have happened with Gore in the White House, it could have happened with anyone in the White House (but that’s speculation). How can you give credit (though the word isn’t well chosen) to someone about something that happened for the simple reason that he was there at the time and not someone else…

No, trully, when it concerns American foreign policies, I really do not understand why people are backing up Bush Jr.

Second, I vote for Bush because all Kerry talks about is himself in 'Nam and his purple hearts. Personally, most of the people under 30 (and some older) could care less about what he did in 'Nam, considering most people think that was the worst war ever waged by the Americans. Bush has been president through something pertinent to our day and age, and don’t give a **** (sorry) about what Kerry has done in the past.

Its a fair argument, but his argument is not aimed at you, or your audience it is made so he would distance himself from Bush (because many time he looked alike) While Bush was going AWOL just out of laziness, Kerry was dodging bullets and saving people in NAM, its just so he can draw contrast.

i heard that kerry was going to bring back the draft and draft men AND WOMEN… just what i heard

Acctualy it was a rumor during this administration.

The Draft is NOT coming back. That would never fly. We have more than enough soldiers.

It doesn’t matter if people under 30 care about Vietnam. Kerry’s point is that he went to war for a fight that no one believed it. He did it because he loved his country and wanted to defend it. He risked his life for reasons that most of us and most of those soldiers never knew. And when those soldiers came back they got nothing in return. They were spit on by anti-war demonstraters. They were hated and feared. And it wasn’t their fault. Kerry should be commended for going to war because of HIS reasons; not the reasons of that administration.

I personally will not vote for Bush. I didn’t vote for Bush in the last election and that got us nowhere so I’m actually just not voting. I would vote for Kerry for the simple reason that he’s not Bush.

Bush hasn’t really done anything right since he began his administration and a week or so ago I heard a quote where he said, “I can’t remember any mistakes that I have made during my presidency.” or something to that effect. Our economy has done nothing but go downhill since he took office. We’re at war, a time when, historically, our economy has prospered, however money is tight all around the US. His foreign policies seem to be “Speak English or get out of my way” and “The UN don’t got nothin’ on me…”

If I were to vote I would vote for Nader because I think we should be allowed to have a 3-party system in this country. We are a land of ‘democracy’ yet the only choice we get is between an elephant and a donkey? We should have choice, its the simple premise on which this country was founded. Voting for Nader would allow a third political party to access government funds and eventually in a number of years allow that party to grow in support and hopefully become a fully functioning capable party (should nader get a certain % of the electorate vote).

However, now I would still vote for Kerry because, “when your house is falling down, its not time to remodel.” While I feel that we should have that 3rd party and I want to vote for Nader, I would vote for Kerry for the simple fact that he is not Bush. We have to get Bush out, fix the country and then worry about remodelling our political situation. So for anyone out there that is going to vote for Nader, don’t do it. Now is not the time. Nader shouldn’t even be running right now simply because we want to get Bush out. Nader should be out there campaigning for Kerry. That would be the best thing he can do right now.

Nader should be out there campaigning for Kerry. That would be the best thing he can do right now.

though I agree with you, it goes against your arguments of “democracy” (actually, the way I see it right now, it seems more like a plutocracy to me…).

Isn’t it true that Nader was not even allowed to attend the Democratic National Convention as a spectator? I don’t blame the Dems. for doing that, but that would definitely put a damper on him trying to campaign or even support Kerry.

I think the Republican Convention will probably give Nader everything he wants, for a vote for Nader is a vote away from Kerry. Only good things can happen to the GOP from that.

I listened to, what seemed like, an hour or so Kerry’s entire speech, and it wasn’t anything new that he had not mentioned before. If Clinton were running though, I’d vote for him instantly…I don’t know why though :love:

Like others have mentioned, the draft will not be reinstated. It was, in my view, a well-timed hoax using some random bill that is still stuck in committee somewhere as evidence: http://www.factcheck.org/article.aspx?docID=200

Tucker, I think Canada and the US have some sort of an arrangement where draft dodgers have to be sent back. So when Canada decides to attack…the giant piece of ice to the north of them…and somebody tries to find refuge in the US, that person will be sent back. Likewise, if there was a draft and you were to leave the US to go to Canada, you’ll be sent back here also.


Wow… sorry, but that is the worst reason I have heard so far. Vietnam, and these two men’s actions during it, does matter.

Simple fact is, our Commander in Chief has the power to send our troops to a foreign cause. I would rather have a man who understands that consequence than one who used political arm-twisting to get into a sweetheart gig in the national guard. Even after that, he failed to report to duty. Now, this dropout is very excited about sending other people’s children. That matters.

Kerry fought for his country abroad and then came home and fought against the unjust war, I think that gives him credibilty. Vietnam was the worst war waged by Americans, until Iraq…

What Kerry did, while great, was 30 years ago. What has he done recently? In his 19 years in the Senate, he doesn’t seem to have any impressive legislation (besides imo the COPS program), and his record in MA is not all that great either (again imo) compared to what Kennedy has been able to do. Also, Kerry too shares many of the same ideas with the current Adminstration such as the Patriot Act, Iraq, etc. His speech yesterday, with the exception of bugging the UN for help, seems like an extension of the Bush Platform. Kerry would really make a great Republican :slight_smile:

He also doesn’t seem to take a strong stand on any issue. If the political ads are to be believed (and there is some truth to them), he seems to take a contradictory stand when it politically suits him more.

If I am going to vote for someone whose views are pretty much the same as the current adminstration, I might as well vote for someone whose views are not flip-floppy :stuck_out_tongue:

A few of my reasons -

I stand behind his economic policy.
I stand behind his anti-terror policy.
I stand behind his morals.

I’ve done a lot of listening to Kerry, and quite frankly its just a bunch of puppet strings. I saw a woman flat out silence him in a question and answer session - it was the easiest question in the world and cut through at least 75% of the crap he just got done saying and he took the moment to attack Bush instead of answer the question…the lady just kind of smirked and sat down.

"If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.“
"Knowing what you stand for, limits what you will fall for.”

I see nothing in his policies that is exciting or new - I agree they are just extensions of existing ones the Bush Administration has put forth.

I also agree on Education spending - the money is there, it’s just not going to the right place - how many years have we been increasing funding to public schools? I’ve talked to several teachers, they all agree the money is there but it is not getting to them - that isn’t the “President’s” problem.

Bush does what he believes in, and goes forward - Kerry appears to try and please everyone and their brother. I’ve seen many an analyst say the same thing.

Not to mention the Sandy Berger issue, or the fact that his Vice President Running Mate is more popular than he is.

The Bush platform, while I don’t agree with everything, is a strong and stable one that will keep the country going, Kerry’s will just cause decay in the long run.

Also - 10% is 10% - if someone makes more than you …whoop de doo.
As far as the draft?
I’ve said this many time in the Ordered forum…

have we all forgot about “Selective Service?”

oh and all these:

So, I think we’ve answered the initial question somewhat:

Bush voters are Kerry-haters.
Kerry voters are Bush-haters.
Nobody likes anybody a whole lot.

On a personal note:

I also agree on Education spending - the money is there, it’s just not going to the right place - how many years have we been increasing funding to public schools? I’ve talked to several teachers, they all agree the money is there but it is not getting to them - that isn’t the “President’s” problem.

The Education policy is one of the prime reasons I am voting for Kerry instead of Bush. My wife is a special education teacher in Wisconsin. We have a terrific public school system here, primarily because we value education and gladly pay higher taxes.

We happen to live in a relatively affluent area where 99% (true) of high school students graduate. The student teacher ratio is about 16:1. 79% of students move on to some sort of college. The average ACT score is 24. That’s pretty darn good.

The Bush Administration has labeled her school district a failing district. Why? It was identified at the school board meeting that the sole reason was the special education students. It just seems they weren’t trying hard enough. Now, if you’ve had any personal experience in this field you would understand that learning how to read survival signs and dress yourself are proud acheivements. They are now required to take tests with advanced math and science – tests they can barely read. If they fail, the district fails.

What happens when the district fails? The government cuts their funding. Now, anybody can see the problems with this solution.

What’s worse is, because this is an underfunded mandate, districts are being forced to divert money from important programs just to prepare for these tests. Districts are fudging the numbers just to stay in existence.

Houston fudged it’s numbers in the early nineties to prove the success of this program… Now their superindendent - Rod Paige - is the secretary of education. And yes, this is the same man who called teachers ‘terrorists’.

For instance, in Milwaukee alone, they are missing about 50 million in government dollars promised by the NCLB Act. What does that mean? They have just eliminated 600 teachers, cut out art and physical education, and scaled back after school programs. Does that make those children’s lives better?

What do the republicans provide as a cure-all? Privatize education and send children to religious charter schools - which don’t need to accept children with special needs.

What I’m saying is, we would have been better off in Wisconsin had we rejected all the money and mandates from the NCLB act from the beginning. That’s a failure.

Comments about the tax thing: I know it may not be a perfect system. But if someone is making minimum wage (Which is MORE than $5 an hour) they should not be living on their own. Go move in with mom and dad or something.

Yes…35 cents more than 5 dollars. 9_9 Also, therein lies the problem – you oversimplify others problems into the most general of ideas that makes them seem stupid/inept. Not everyone has parents to live with, or parents who would take them in, and most people have pride. Would you, if you were 40 years old (because you were too poor to go to college, because your family didn’t hold high-paying jobs, because they were too poor to go to college…etc), go ask mumsy and daddykins to live with them? I think not.

Bush has been president through something pertinent to our day and age, and don’t give a **** (sorry) about what Kerry has done in the past.

If you are ignoring a candidate’s (or any) history, you’re just being ignorant.

…and the point is that he had more integrity than to dodge the work that had been put upon his shoulders to be carried out.

Simple fact is, our Commander in Chief has the power to send our troops to a foreign cause. I would rather have a man who understands that consequence than one who used political arm-twisting to get into a sweetheart gig in the national guard. Even after that, he failed to report to duty. Now, this dropout is very excited about sending other people’s children. That matters.

Well put. :wink:

I personally will not vote for Bush. I didn’t vote for Bush in the last election and that got us nowhere so I’m actually just not voting. I would vote for Kerry for the simple reason that he’s not Bush.

So do it. Inactivity is concession to whoever is elected.

If I were to vote I would vote for Nader because I think we should be allowed to have a 3-party system in this country.

I agree, about that, and the immediate urgency of getting bush out, being a priority over the three-party ideal. That can wait, in this case.

I stand behind his morals.

What morals? XD

…seriously. Let’s cut the crap with all of this vaguery, what “morals” specifically, does Bush have? What ideas does he profess that you are an advocate of? Not in general. Specifically.

On education (and, my mother is a single mother of 3, and also a special ed teacher. Luckily our district isn’t failing…yet.)

What happens when the district fails? The government cuts their funding. Now, anybody can see the problems with this solution.

…and apparently special ed students don’t count as children who are left behind. 9_9

What’s worse is, because this is an underfunded mandate, districts are being forced to divert money from important programs just to prepare for these tests. Districts are fudging the numbers just to stay in existence.

That’s beaurocracy for ya.

What do the republicans provide as a cure-all? Privatize education and send children to religious charter schools - which don’t need to accept children with special needs.

Not to mention they put parents in the hole, and don’t necissarily have to give children the rights they deserve and (sometimes) get in publich school. I went to private school for middleschool, and public for highschool, and I can tell you, in private schools, they run things like a dictatorship, and are not supportive nor do they even acknowledge views that conflict with their own (specifically, about religion. I’m an atheist who had to attend an episcopal Cathedral school.)

…tired. Bye.

Hey I don’t have to answer about anything I said, this was an exposition for individual opinions, not discussion.

I can see what you are saying, but here in Florida our education system is a lot different.

As far as a blanket statement as “Bush supporters are Kerry haters,” that kind of defeats the purpose of the thread? I don’t hate Kerry, I just don’t agree with what he stands on.

Alright, fine by me. But if you don’t provide support for your opinions, they mean nothing to the rest of us.

You are right. I started this thread as an exposition for Bush voters.

In addition, I started this thread to point out the poor-standard of always putting democratic-leaning voters on the defensive.

I don’t need to justify why I’m voting for Kerry, but I choose to voice that opinion. But please (directed at the conservative elite), don’t degrade my choice by calling me a ‘bush-basher’. Our vote is much too important to just vote against something.

So, using that blanket statement was the purpose of this thread.

I stand behind his economic policy.
I stand behind his anti-terror policy.
I stand behind his morals.

Actualy his morals are the only reason why I think gives I reason for people to vote for him, **while I dont agree with his morals,**Lots of people do, and he does represent the anti-homosexual, relgious side, and if you beleive thats right, well, I guess thats a reason…

Other reason, like anti-terrorism even republican military are getting nervous around bush.

What has Bush done… EVER!? Compare their lives. Bush has had business opportunity after business opportunity handed to him (and he failed on almost if not all of them), and then he decided to run for Govenor with little political experience. He was elected. We can blame that on Texas or we can blame it on the fact that people recognized his daddy. What did Bush do for Texas while Govenor? For one, he made Texas the state with the highest number of executions per year. This man has never had a clever idea, nor has he ever worked for anything. Kerry, while he did have a wealthy background, went to war. And for me the war part isn’t even the biggest. It’s the fact that he came back and was inspired, and motivated to stand up for something, and to get involved in making a difference. RIGHT there alone is enough to vote for Kerry. Kerry is clearly the more intelligent, more inspired and creative person. CLEARLY. NO ARGUMENT. DO NOT REBUT THAT STATEMENT FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY!

So basically his morals are based on unacceptance and mistrust. Sounds great. His morals are outdated excuses for bigotry. I realize I just offended many people. Sorry. But I see his “morals” as fit for 1910.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” “Blessed are the peace makers, for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.”

Bush is not meek, and he never made peace, he made war. Where the **** are his values. And “Where the **** are the balloons!” hahahaha