Comments about the tax thing: I know it may not be a perfect system. But if someone is making minimum wage (Which is MORE than $5 an hour) they should not be living on their own. Go move in with mom and dad or something.
Yes…35 cents more than 5 dollars. 9_9 Also, therein lies the problem – you oversimplify others problems into the most general of ideas that makes them seem stupid/inept. Not everyone has parents to live with, or parents who would take them in, and most people have pride. Would you, if you were 40 years old (because you were too poor to go to college, because your family didn’t hold high-paying jobs, because they were too poor to go to college…etc), go ask mumsy and daddykins to live with them? I think not.
Bush has been president through something pertinent to our day and age, and don’t give a **** (sorry) about what Kerry has done in the past.
If you are ignoring a candidate’s (or any) history, you’re just being ignorant.
…and the point is that he had more integrity than to dodge the work that had been put upon his shoulders to be carried out.
Simple fact is, our Commander in Chief has the power to send our troops to a foreign cause. I would rather have a man who understands that consequence than one who used political arm-twisting to get into a sweetheart gig in the national guard. Even after that, he failed to report to duty. Now, this dropout is very excited about sending other people’s children. That matters.
Well put. 
I personally will not vote for Bush. I didn’t vote for Bush in the last election and that got us nowhere so I’m actually just not voting. I would vote for Kerry for the simple reason that he’s not Bush.
So do it. Inactivity is concession to whoever is elected.
If I were to vote I would vote for Nader because I think we should be allowed to have a 3-party system in this country.
I agree, about that, and the immediate urgency of getting bush out, being a priority over the three-party ideal. That can wait, in this case.
I stand behind his morals.
What morals? XD
…seriously. Let’s cut the crap with all of this vaguery, what “morals” specifically, does Bush have? What ideas does he profess that you are an advocate of? Not in general. Specifically.
On education (and, my mother is a single mother of 3, and also a special ed teacher. Luckily our district isn’t failing…yet.)
What happens when the district fails? The government cuts their funding. Now, anybody can see the problems with this solution.
…and apparently special ed students don’t count as children who are left behind. 9_9
What’s worse is, because this is an underfunded mandate, districts are being forced to divert money from important programs just to prepare for these tests. Districts are fudging the numbers just to stay in existence.
That’s beaurocracy for ya.
What do the republicans provide as a cure-all? Privatize education and send children to religious charter schools - which don’t need to accept children with special needs.
Not to mention they put parents in the hole, and don’t necissarily have to give children the rights they deserve and (sometimes) get in publich school. I went to private school for middleschool, and public for highschool, and I can tell you, in private schools, they run things like a dictatorship, and are not supportive nor do they even acknowledge views that conflict with their own (specifically, about religion. I’m an atheist who had to attend an episcopal Cathedral school.)
…tired. Bye.