Why does kirupianville not have any forum to directly discuss the tutorials on this site? So that we can maybe fix errors, suggest alturnatives, ask questions, get observations, post variations, post our impovements, etc.
Why does kirupianville not have any forum to directly discuss the tutorials on this site? So that we can maybe fix errors, suggest alturnatives, ask questions, get observations, post variations, post our impovements, etc.
Its kirupaville. J00 4r3 t3h n00b.
It’s because you can always IM Kirupa or email him
isn’t kirupaville just a place where we add pixel art buildings and such?
dae - most tutorial questions fall under one of the help categories on the forum. It makes it easier to separate out tutorials based on content as opposed to having one giant forum with PHP, Flash, ASP, etc. tutorials in one place.
For tutorial suggestions, you can always find one of the several tutorial suggestion threads, post in Forum Guidelines, just PM/IM me, or even post in Random like you did.
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