Where'd that forum thingy go?

I know I’m probably gonna sound like an idiot, but there’s a forum thingy missing, someone care to fill me in here?

i think kirupa got rid of it.:-\

You mean the tutorial section? Its gone now because people would post their questions in there, but the actual point of the forum was for users to post their tutorials…

kiruuupa… I don’t even know what that one was! Poo.

Hey whoa! I saved 3,896,035 bytes by doing disk cleanup.
Just shows how… messy I am I guess,

…Thanks jubba soap soap jubba. I really should wait before I post stuff.

scripting contest has also vamoosed

Yes… yes… it has…
looks around


It’s for the better right now I think…

Actually… Tutorials should have there own section. Just like the Help and stuff have their own section… Then it should be divided up into forums that way… Like…

Flash Tutorials
Director Tutorals

And so on and so forth…

That way we can have a more direct way of placing tutorials onto the interface… And if people start posting their questions in there… Move em to the right spot I guess… I dunno… hehe…

As for the Scripting Contests… I never even looked into it… I’m guessing Battle took it over.

IMHO, this looks kinda wierd now…there are only 2 under Talk!!! we need something to fill the void…how about a section devoted to worshipping me as your new LEADER!!! I SHALL OVERTHROW PHIL!!! EG, Jubba, REV…LOST…you with me or what!? gugi0, get me my trout, this is a coup de tat

lol, seriously tho, we need new sections, maybe someone should make a thread where suggestions can be taken on wha the new section will be??


I knew this was going to happen… the economy is so terrible it’s even effecting the world of Kirupa!!

Ah poop, that means my article on preloaders is gone.

blame king george the 2nd for the horrible econ.

YEah… Hmm…

How about a Video Game forum?!

I dunno… Go and review and tlak about vid games?!
