Tutorial issues / me being dumb

I can’t seem to get this tutorial to work as simply as it says. The problem being that the tween doesn’t render the text within the movie clip. Am I being really dumb, or is the only way to get it to work by breaking apart the text twice?

You can’t tween dynamic text without embedding it.

OK, I did think I was going mad then: the problem was actually with the static text. After a bit of trial and error, I think I may have found the solution. The problem appears to be that I was using the device fonts. With all the other fonts, it works fine. Is that a bug, or some quirk I just couldn’t see coming?

Actually, is that because the device fonts aren’t embedded? That would explain a lot. Phew. Two hours down the drain, but I know more about Flash :nerd:

Thanks electrongeek, you’ve put me on the right track.