Hi there,
My sites just opened a few days ago and i decided to share it with you
. A Few erros, spelling mistakes etc. If you could just point them out, i’ll kindly fix them
For those of you that dont know what tutorialblast is, it’s a tutorial site that is for people who do or want to do web design. A few tutorials to help you make your site better
Sign up to the forums if you want
Now here’s the best bit. Thanks to Chad (www.toolblast.com - owner) you have the chance to win StandardPass (reg. $25) for free! If you submit 3 or more tutorials and they are accepted, you’ll reiceve tihs special offer.
So hurry :).
should be in showcase and critiques… i dont think the statistics is really needed… it feels blank… its just a few colors and tiny gradients… but huge areas of what seems like a rectangle filled with color… nothing else… dono… its missing a lot of detail or something.
i forgot to comment about the tutorials… i like them… and the Rock you made… Wow…
i made most of the tutorialls, but not all. You can thank Murtada for that one :). One memeber of our dedicated staff. The stats bit wasn’t put in untill recently. It used to say Hosted By: Toolblast.
But i felt that wasn’t necessarry. Stats just shows what you can do 
Ya porpous,
I found that tutorial cool as well.
If anyone is into Flash (which is most likely true) Im going to be putting up some video tutorials for different basic stuff and maybe some advanced.
What type of Flash video tutorial would you like to see? Video tutorial meaning you can see my program and my mouse and watch how I do it with explanation below.
Any ideas?
Motion paths, thats a good one to start with