Tween "blinking"

This is driving me absolutely batty. The idea is that when the user clicks on a certain MovieClip, the object (let’s call it “Person”) should tween to a specific point (to the left of the movie clip, to be specific). But for whatever reason, the Tweens aren’t going anywhere! I’ve been tearing this function apart so much that all I have left is this test statement that will move the Person from left to right slowly:

public function beginMove():void {
    xTween = new Tween(this, "x", None.easeNone, 0, 300, 100, false);

xTween being a private Tween variable of Person.

The thing is: when this function is called, say, in the constructor of Person, it works just fine, but when it’s called via the unrelated object acting as a button (CLICK event), the xTween (according to the ENTER_FRAME event I set up just for this purpose) will “flicker” between a Tween and a null regularily with no input from anywhere else in the code (indeed, the above line is the only time xTween appears anywhere outside the constructor). The Tween also isn’t ending (MOTION_STOP). Can anyone shine some light on this for me?

EDIT: Oh, and the beginMove function isn’t being called more than once either. It has a trace in it that I cut from the example.

I tried two more things: setting it up to tween when you click on the Person does work (like setting off the Tween in the constructor), but that’s still not what I need.

Something possessed me to try the tween on the button itself and it moved, but caused a ghostly copy of itself to stay in the original position. Clicking on it does nothing. The Person doesn’t do this (when I click on it to get it to move). What on earth is going on?

Second Edit: UGH, okay, I got it. Well, not the button thing but forget that. I accidentally had a dead copy of the Person lying around for… well, I’m not sure why, but it’s gone now. So if nothing else, thanks for letting me vent about my stupid problem.