Tween Class, LoadMovie, and Buttons


Can someone help me out with this code? Im trying to create a menu, that initially loads an image with loadImage. Then when a menu item is clicked, it fades the initially loaded image into the next Image. Each menu item should fade into another Image.

Ive been working on this for a few days, and Im not really sure how to do it.

Anyway heres the code I have so far:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


var banners = [ “banner0.jpg”, “banner1.jpg”, “banner2.jpg”];
var b:MovieClip;
var alpha = 100;

// create a movieclip to load the photo into
function getImage(){
b = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(“img”, i);
b._x = 0;
b._y = 0;
b._alpha = alpha;


function fade(){
var mcTween:Tween = new Tween(b, “_alpha”, Regular.easeInOut, 100, 20, 2, true);


menuBar.menu0.onRelease = function() { b.loadMovie(banners[0]); };
menuBar.menu1.onRelease = function() { b.loadMovie(banners[1])};
menuBar.menu2.onRelease = function() { b.loadMovie(banners[2])};

Thanks for any help.