Hullo fine people
I’ve been knocking together a wee image gallery app, and I’ve used the new AS3 Tween Class to swish the images left and right with cute little scaling and alpha eases.
The coding of such transitions is indeed vastly improved (random garbage collections stopping the transitions aside ) over AS2 … however, I can’t help but notice that there’s an awful lot of flicker and visual glitching on the end result.
See my work in progress example to see what I’m on about - when the transitions are in motion, there’s very noticeable flicker and glitching until it settles into the ease and finishes:
Does anyone know why this is or what I can do about it?
I was thinking about writing custom functions to manage the transitions and ditching the Tween Class alltogether, but wanted to know if this was likely to have any effect before I start.
Many thanks!