I’m creating an animation using actionscript (mx.transitions.Tween)…
What i want to create is animation (animation box is created via beginFill, lineTo and moveTo… you know) when I roll over an instance… i’m doing it following code:
var tweenY = new mx.transitions.Tween(this.link, "_height", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut,0 , 100, 0.5, true);
…so far so good…
BUT, when i roll out from the instance, i want to move the box down (instead of back to up) while it’s height decrease to zero again. I can’t just reverse the animation - it would go back up.
One solution would be using 2 different animation at the same time - _y and _height. But there comes a problem. When I’m fast enough (roll over, then roll out and roll over again before the animation of rolling out ends, it… will be a mess).
… one idea was to change the registration point of a animation object… but how can i do that?