Ok say you have a simple Tween like this.
this[boxNames*].onRollOver = function () {
new Tween (this, "_alpha", Back.easeInOut, 100, 125, 1, true);
new Tween (this, "_width", Back.easeInOut, xSizeDown, xSizeUp, vTime, true);
new Tween (this, "_yscale", Back.easeInOut, ySizeDown, ySizeUp, vTime, true);
What if you want only the right side of the box to Tween/Scale?
Tween the _x at the same time. Something like this:
this[boxNames*].onRollOver = function () {
var currentx:Number = this._x
new Tween (this, "_alpha", Back.easeInOut, 100, 125, 1, true);
new Tween (this, "_width", Back.easeInOut, xSizeDown, xSizeUp, vTime, true);
new Tween (this, "_x", Back.easeInOut, currentx, ySizeUp, vTime, true);
new Tween (this, "_yscale", Back.easeInOut, ySizeDown, ySizeUp, vTime, true);
Thank you…Thank you…Thank you